Since its passage in 1991, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has been instrumental in helping disabled Americans flourish in the workplace. While this law has been a major success, there are still employers who fail to follow this law. If you or someone you love has suffered from disability discrimination in the workplace, it is important to discuss your case with a skilled lawyer. For years, The Labor and Employment division of Pierce / Jewett, has championed the rights of employees across Norfolk, Virginia Beach, and the surrounding areas.
Virginia Beach Americans With Disabilities Act (Ada) Attorneys
The ADA prohibits employers from discriminating against employees or job applicants with disabilities. When an employee discloses that he or she has a disability, the employer must make reasonable accommodations in order to allow the employee to perform his or her job duties. The employer is required to make these accommodations unless doing so constitutes an undue hardship.
While this is how the ADA is supposed to work in theory, things can be quite different in practice. In many cases, employees are terminated or demoted shortly after disclosing their disability. Employers may retaliate against a disabled employee. In other situations, an employer may fail to make inexpensive, basic accommodations, falsely claiming these accommodations would be an undue hardship.
Whatever the case, our Norfolk disability discrimination lawyers are fully prepared to investigate your case in order to prove that you were the victim of disability discrimination. Having successfully represented many clients in all types of workplace discrimination claims, our attorneys are skilled at resolving difficult employment cases through negotiation and when necessary, litigation.
Contact The Labor And Employment Division Of Pierce / Jewett
Call 757-624-9323 or complete our online contact form to discuss your claim.