June 30, 2023
Employment Law
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June 16, 2023
Employment Law
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Privacy Rights of Employees in Virginia
It’s no secret that employers like to keep tabs on their employees and indeed have a right to do so — within reason, that is. Employers have long monitored employees for legitimate ends, such as to ensure quality...
May 31, 2023
Employment Law
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A Guide to Sanctions Against Doctors in Virginia
The most significant risk most doctors face in their profession arguably is medical malpractice lawsuits. But not all forms of professional discipline come from injured patients and their attorneys. The Virginia Board of...
May 17, 2023
Employment Law
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What Are “Reasonable Accommodations” for Persons With Disabilities?
Individuals with disabilities have made great strides in all parts of life in the United States over the previous decades, including in employment. A greater awareness of the needs and potential contributions of persons with...
April 28, 2023
Employment Law
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