September 15, 2023
Employment Law
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August 31, 2023
Employment Law
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Key Terms in Virginia Severance Agreements
Job loss often deals a significant financial and professional blow to laid-off workers. While unemployment benefits can help to ease some of that strain, they do not fully replace a laid-off worker’s wages. Some workers may...
August 24, 2023
Employment Law
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Whistleblower Protections Under Virginia Law
Whistleblowers serve a critical role in protecting the integrity of our government and economy, as well as fostering public trust in institutions. But whistleblowing can often expose serious fraud, waste, and abuse that can...
August 17, 2023
Employment Law
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What Federal Employees Should Know About the Douglas Factors
Federal employees who face disciplinary measures enjoy certain due process rights that go above and beyond those available in the private sector. One of those due process rights is the opportunity to respond to the...
July 31, 2023
Employment Law
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